Friday, February 8, 2013

The Benefits of Interesting Lighting in the Nursery

Different Lighting in the Nursery

It has been recommended by many experts that you purchase several different types of lighting for the nursery.

Lighting should be in several key places in the nursery in order to make life a little bit more simple with your new baby.

Blue Bebe Lamp First, there should be a lamp near the feeding area. This lamp should be taller and provide a soft glow so that it is easy to use at night time for those first few night feedings, but also while rocking or reading baby to sleep at night, or simply just for checking on baby at night.

Chelsea LampSecond, there should be a lamp near the changing table. The first thing many babies prefer upon waking is to be changed and this makes for any easy place to swaddle baby right before bedtime as well. Depending on the size of the changing table, you may also prefer this lamp to be larger and self-standing. Leaving a lamp on the changing table may also make it easier for babies arms and legs to kick it as well. Therefore, many mothers prefer a larger lamp here a well.

Designer Tip: If you would like all of your lamps to match each other completely, try a lamp set like this one shown here from! Berea Lamp Combo

Finally, there should be lighting for the entire room which can grow with your child and bring your entire nursery together. Chandeliers are often the best choice when it comes to this sort of lighting. Not only do they provide an interesting visual distraction for baby, but they also provide the nursery with a touch of class!Blue Sarah Chandelier